Loan Officer Profile


Leonard Acosta


Average Rating: 1  [1 Review(s)]
State(s) Served:
Current Employer:  Loan Officer Fairway Independent Mortgage Corp [Westchester Somers NewYork]

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We Do Not Recommend by [Realtor]
Reviewed June 24, 2024 | Rating:
Real Estate Professional
From the beginning, we had to ask and ask again for information on the progress of the file. We received brief, condescening, passive aggressive responses to our inquiries. At the end when the deal was obviously not closing on time, his excuse was "I am just the broker. I am waiting like everyone else is." So, he claims to have no control and is basically no help at all. He repeatedly promised to keep everyone updated and then never did. It was truly one of the most frustrating experiences of a 20+ real estate career.