Lender Profile

Pulte Mortgage

Englewood |  Colorado

Average Rating: 1 1  [1 Review(s)]
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Pulte Mortgage is #1? by
Reviewed May 25, 2017 | Rating:
Hello, Strike two – this is where we are at with Pulte Mortgage. The first strike came from some senseless criteria that prevented us from moving forward with what would have been a double purchase of Pulte Homes valuing up to $700k.  However, Pulte Mortgage, after all the wonderful pomp and plugging of how wonderful the company is, denied us based on criteria that, alone, should be reviewed and revamped.  Years of on time payments of all debts, and pay offs, is never part of any consideration for approval with this company. Once again, earnest fees are paid, pre-approval looks good, per their mortgage representatives, VA loans in place ready to move forward, then the hammer falls. One more payment of a credit card, enough to put our debt to earnings ratio well below the requirement, is just two weeks out, flags the underwriter, and in turn denies our application.  Why? Because the underwriter isn’t looking at the history of payment, nor when the card will be paid off nor the balance of the credit card (which is very low), or the circumstances behind why the issue is even an issue, no they are looking at the debt to income ratio. They do not do any calculations, because if they did, they would see that things would have been paid off, or that, “Hey, these people are upstanding citizens because they have never been late on payments of any sort.” My wife is  in the sixth month of pregnancy with our first baby. We need a safe house, in a safe neighborhood fast. preferably before the baby is due. This is not going to happen.  We were denied, but our best friends, buying the home next to "ours," were approved. They will not be able to get their earnest fee back if they back out.  Our income more than theirs and our debt is about the same, maybe less, yet they were approved and we were not.  Strike two comes as a big shocker. Per the Pulte mortgage lender, we were 95% approved, and just needed the final stamp from the underwriter.  It was a head scratcher not only for us, but the Pulte mortgage lender as well.  This tells me that the people who are doing the underwriting are doing their jobs well, but adhere to a strict code and criteria that does not have any room for anything else. Perhaps that is a good thing, however, after reading the other reviews, Pulte Mortgage is at the bottom where other lenders, with different criteria, are at the top. I will say that Pulte Mortgage should seriously review their criteria for approval before someone turns around and sues them for false advertisement. #1 lending company in America? Right. It is almost as if Pulte Mortgage is not an equal housing lender.  This will be posted in multiple review sites, and news syndicates.
Loan OfficerNMLS#Avg RatingReviewsEdit
Mike Oshay   1 Profile
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