Lender Profile

Navy Federal

Jonesborough |  Tennessee

Average Rating: 1 1  [1 Review(s)]
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Loan OfficerNMLS#Avg RatingReviewsEdit
Sydney Dykes 1956362 1 Profile
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Inexperienced or Lacking Care by
Reviewed August 05, 2023 | Rating:
Introduction - Great. Sydney was friendly and nice. Process - Sydney didn’t seem to know anything about the military side of applying for a VA Loan. We had to fight every step of the way We gave all the paperwork we could and finally got a “good to go” when we could get Sydney to respond at all. With preapproval in hand, we found a home. We were swiftly denied because Sydney couldn’t be bothered to ask underwriting to review our documents and give an actual yes or no. She simply told us we were good. Conclusion - Avoid Sydney at all cost. She can make assurances but doesn’t actually have the experience to know what you need.
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