Loan Officer Profile


Maieve Gallup


Average Rating: 5  [1 Review(s)]
State(s) Served:
Current Employer:  Loan Officer PrimeLending [ St. Louis Missouri]

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Getting It Done RIGHT! by
Reviewed December 24, 2016 | Rating:
Ms. Gallup is an exceptional loan officer who knows the business inside and out. I was amazed how she was able to get more done in 3 weeks than Chase Bank in 2 1/2 months. After consolidating my student loan for the purpose of the home purchase, Chase couldn't and refused to score my loan properly, they stated I had a exbortant amount of DTI, which was impossible, I had no other debt. Ms Gallup, use the student loan documents, and was able to get the loan "auto approved", something JP Morgan Chase claimed 3 Senior underwriters were sunable to do. I am now moving into my lovely new home at the same rate the bank offered.