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Unk |  Trevose |  Kansas

Average Rating: 1 1  [1 Review(s)]
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S Phras   1 Profile
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AMRES was a disaster by
Reviewed March 30, 2021 | Rating:
DO not use AMRES especially if you are an investor....AMRES has no idea how to handle companies with multiple properties , assets and loans, they are simply not prepared for it. they took almost THREE MONTHS to process enormous amounts of paperwork we had to send and only then did they say they couldn't do the loan after they tried to get IRS to send a transcript. since IRS was behind on doing 2019 transcripts for us they had to decline the loan. They could have done this the FIRST week but instead chose to make us wade thru ridiculous amounts of paperwork for nearly 3 months. Additionally the loan officer was rude and obnoxious to deal with , putting us down and even calling us a liar at one point.
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