Loan Officer Profile


Jason Stern

NMLS# 1569493  

Average Rating: 4  [2 Review(s)]
State(s) Served:
Current Employer:  Loan Officer

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Re-fi with great loan offices, bad back office and management. by
Reviewed July 21, 2017 | Rating:
Loan officers are great, but the back office has no clue what they are doing. Get ready to wait and have false information sent to you. The circus of workers behind the scenes causes more issues. After you call the main office in Orlando they start to get things moving, but not until. Again the Loan Officer side is outstanding, but they are kept out of the communications loop also. This could be a great company if proper training and management to the process side of the loan was done.
Great by
Reviewed June 28, 2017 | Rating:
Jason was there every step of the way.