Loan Officer Profile


Debra Hussey

NMLS# 659647  

Average Rating: 4  [10 Review(s)]
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Current Employer:  Loan Officer

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My loan by
Reviewed January 28, 2016 | Rating:
I want to say first D hussey it is an exceptional loan officer she did a great job she was very patient very professional we just love her. And I want to thank FBC mortgage and the loan originator and the underwriter for such a great job that they did for me very much appreciating everything about FBC mortgage
Great to work with by
Reviewed January 27, 2016 | Rating:
Quick to respond to question
My Mortgage Loan Team by
Reviewed December 03, 2015 | Rating:
I will not forget my team, never! They worked side by side, They gave and did as much as I did. I never was left on my own. At the end, when still I did not have a final decision I was convinced that they did everything for me.If for any reason I would not get this loan was not because I did not receive all that help. I am thankful that I had Debra,Renee and Sabrina.
New home by
Reviewed October 07, 2015 | Rating:
New home
715 Pataches Place, Groveland, FL 34736 by
Reviewed October 01, 2015 | Rating:
The processor at FBC Mortgage required the same documents from us time and time and time again. They had our loan to process for 8 months, yet weren't able to provide us with final numbers for closing until 8:00pm the night before our closing! When they did finally send us the information, the numbers showed we owed $3000 more at closing and that the escrow funding requirements had increased by 307%!!! After emailing the processor back and forth for a couple of hours, and getting nowhere (she would respond evasively and didn't know how to explain the sudden increase), we emailed the loan officer a furious email and said we were likely going to back out of the entire thing. She phoned us early the next morning, and immediately agreed that the information provided to us the night before was completely incorrect and that she would take care of it. She did, and our actual closing costs ended up costing $1000 less than we originally budgeted for, but it made us wonder how often those "mistakes" occur and for those home buyers who don't understand how the calculations are done and what the laws pertaining to those costs are, do they end up getting taken, somehow? IDK. Kind of suspicious. Between that and the never ending requests for the same information from the processor, the entire loan process (for 8 months!!!) was incredibly frustrating, tedious, and we'd likely never seek a loan through FBC again.
AJ's Review by
Reviewed September 18, 2015 | Rating:
We have researched and realized that the home buying process is not for the faint of heart - no walk in the park. However, all the difference in the world can be made from not necessarily the what but the how things are done. We did not like the fact that all of 10 days was allowed to lapse after our request to purchase was faxed over by the Builder's Realtor to FBC. We were told by the Builder's realtor that the designated FBC Rep would contact us soon. After a few days of no response via telephone nor email, we went ahead and emailed the FBC rep ourselves of our intentions to purchase, the fact that the items necessary were faxed and to enquire what was the next step we should take. On the 10th day, we were notified that the Rep was on vacation. No problem, but we find it hard to believe that no one from the company was designated to cover for her until she returned. That ate out a chunk of valuable time which really increased our stress level, as down to the day before closing the underwriter was still requiring information for us to close. Lets just say the tears began to flow. But God carried us through and we were glad that instead of 1, now 2 people were working as fast as possible with us to see the closing through. So we extend thanks to Sabrina Tiedemann for coming on board and keeping constant clear communication with us, and just made things move along to help us meet the underwriter's requests. Also in a much earlier time in our process, we want to extend thanks to Matt Cramer who does not work in the construction arm of FBC but was very cordial, answered all questions in timely and clear manner, for that leg of our process.
Customer service by
Reviewed September 02, 2015 | Rating:
Customer service was great in reference to Debra Hussey
A++ by
Reviewed July 29, 2015 | Rating:
Dee Hussey was GREAT! by
Reviewed January 29, 2015 | Rating:
Dee is very thorough and knowledgible. she handled every part of our loan as I would expect a loan offer to do so. even our Realtor was impressed how professional and thorough Dee was!
Dee Hussey was GREAT! by
Reviewed January 29, 2015 | Rating:
Dee is very thorough and knowledgible. she handled every part of our loan as I would expect a loan offer to do so. even our Realitor was impressed how professional and thorough Dee was!