Loan Officer Profile


Adam Nicholson


Average Rating: 3  [2 Review(s)]
State(s) Served:
Current Employer:  Loan Officer

This loan officer does not have any previous Employers
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Excellent execution by
Reviewed January 25, 2013 | Rating:
I've been through several home mortgage financings and this experience exceeded my expectations. In an industry that's know for opaque fee disclosure and changing loan terms against the borrower at or just before closing, this lender was just the opposite. They were very transparent on fees and honored their original offer to closing. The underwriting of my mortgage experienced one unexpected delay and they quickly took responsibility for this and made things right without an impact to me. I highly recommend this Lender and Loan Officer!
Poor Communications/Documentation by
Reviewed December 14, 2012 | Rating:
Adam + Vincent Gambuzza including the underwriter showed poor communications skills in requesting documents. All documents requested were done on a last minute basis. They should have a comprehensive list of all documents that are required or not required and if the applicant does not fall into the catagory where a document requested is not applicable, all the applicant has to do is check N/A. They caused considerable anger and frustration on requesting documentation on a piecemeal basis.